Bonjour. So for the past week I've been dying of a cold and it has inspired me to share what I know on how to survive and try to get rid of the stupidly annoying illness that is the common cold. I get colds quite often, sometimes they're little ones that go away in a few days but they can also be terrible ones that make me feel as if I can't go on with life because I feel so poo. Usually people would say just take something and go to sleep which will help get rid of a cold but if you're like me and can only sleep if it's night or you're tired then this is the post for you.
I don't really like taking medicine unless I feel I really need it and I think everyone will agree that colds affect us worst at night. If I need to take something for a cold I reach for Benylin Day and Night tablets which I have a love/hate relationship with. I find the Day ones are really good and they get rid of that horrible stuffy feeling in your head but I found the Night tablets absolutally terrible! I think they worked for me once and they were amazing but it all went down hill from there. They make you tired which is brilliant because I find falling asleep near impossible when I have a cold, and when you take them you wake up feeling amazing, you don't feel groggy or stuffy, you just feel awake which isn't a feeling you usually get when you have a cold and this all sounds like exactly what you'd want from a tablet when you've got a cold but when you wake up at around 3am feeling amazing and awake, it's not that great. I've had taken them a few times and 90% of the time I've woken up in the middle of the night feeling great making it very hard to fall back asleep. If you have a really bad cold then you should probably take something but I've found the best thing for a cold is a cup of tea. It clears your nose, it helps with a sore throat and if you put as much sugar in it as I do, it makes you feel great and energetic. So before you go to open the medicine press, put on the kettle and see if that helps.
Parents may not be so happy with my next tip but if you're a teenager who is suffering from a terrible cold and you have school, just don't go. Take the day off and stay in your pjs, sit yourself in front of the telly with a warm blanket thrown over you, put on some of your favourite movies and just chill, if you're one of those people who can sleep whenever they please then don't open your eyes unless you need to eat or pee. I'm not saying if you have a bit of a runny nose use that as an excuse to stay home, I mean if your head is pounding and your as stuffed as a turkey, stay home because there's no point in going to school if you're not going to be able to concentrate so you might as well not be there. I would also suggest that if you work with children don't even think about going to work. I've been on work experience for the past three weeks and I was in a primary school and a creche so for the past three weeks all I've had is children sneezing and coughing all over me because they haven't learned that you're suppose to put your hand up to your face if you're going to sneeze or cough and we were trying to teach them this and one boy put his hand to his mouth after he coughed because he just didn't understand which is both kinda cute but disgusting at the same time.
My final and maybe most important point would be buy tissues! Always have a tissue beside you whether it be tissue from a box or some loo roll, just use something. Although if you use toilet roll instead of a proper tissue it dries your nose but I've found if you use moisturizer you'll be alright because I've been using toilet roll all week and my nose is surprisingly not sore, it is a bit dry but it's grand compared to what it's usually like. So keep a tissue near you because there is no worse feeling then being all comfortable and warm, wrapped up in your duvet then having to get up and blow your nose because you didn't have a tissue.
There you go, they are my tips for beating a cold. I hope you enjoyed reading this and you found it somewhat helpful. Again I'd like to thank everyone who has given me feedback on my posts, I really appreciate every bit it means so much to know that people actually read and enjoy my blog. Thanks for reading :)