I know I haven't written a blog post in nearly 2 months but I've had no inspiration for anything, until now! Being a teenage girl, my world revolves around gossip, indirect tweets and being a pure bitch. No matter how nice a girl may seem, she is a bitch and that's a fact! It doesn't matter how friendly she seems or how many times she tweets "omg some girls are just so bitchy", she is also a bitch, that's just how life is. I experience this bitchiness on a daily basis, not only because I am a bitch but because I go to an all girls school which is pretty much the universe's source of bitches. Lately seems to be more bitchy then normal but you can't blame teenage girls for all the negativity in the world because "energy can neither be create nor destroyed, it is just passed from one form to another" meaning we have to get it from somewhere! The world is so full of negativity that can affect each and every one of us and the sad thing is we're the ones who pass on the negative vibes. WE COULD STOP THIS NEGATIVITY IF WE WANTED!!