
Grown Ups 2 Review!

 Bonjour! This summer has been rather good for new movies and one of my favourites is Grown Ups 2. I'm a huge fan of the first Grown Ups movie, I've watched it so many times but it's one of those movies that I can watch again and again and it still makes me laugh, so I was so excited when I found out there was going to be a second movie. I think all the actors in the movie seem to work so well together and it's a movie I would recommend for anyone because it'll make little kids laugh with it's silliness but it also has a lot of jokes for the older views so it's great for all ages.
 I feel that you have to watch the first movie to get some of the jokes in the second one, which isn't too bad if you haven't seen the first one because then you get to watch two incredibly funny movies! I find it really hard to do movie reviews and without spoiling it which is why my movie reviews aren't the best, but I can say that Adam Samberg makes a sneaky appearance in the movie and his scene is probably one of the best which is all I can say without ruining it. Another thing I love about this movie is that all the characters in the first movie are played by the same actors in the second one, which sounds stupid but it sort of annoys me when different actors play the character in each movie so that little thing made me enjoy the movie that little bit more, so if you've seen the first Grown Ups and liked all the characters and actors then you're bound to like Grown Ups 2! Also, both of these movies are set during the summer so they're great summer time movies that you could relax and watch after a long day to finish off a nice summer day.
 Like I said, I can't really say much about this movie without ruining it other then it's an amazingly hilarious movie that I think everyone will enjoy! It has a great cast and jokes throughout the movie for the whole family so get yourself to the nearest cinema to see this movie if you haven't already and hopefully you'll thank me! As always, I hope you've found this blog post helpful and if you have any suggestions, questions or advice leave me a comment or contact me on any of my accounts that are always on the right hand side of my blog. Thanks for reading :) 

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