
Changing the World, One Bitch at a Time!

 I know I haven't written a blog post in nearly 2 months but I've had no inspiration for anything, until now! Being a teenage girl, my world revolves around gossip, indirect tweets and being a pure bitch. No matter how nice a girl may seem, she is a bitch and that's a fact! It doesn't matter how friendly she seems or how many times she tweets "omg some girls are just so bitchy", she is also a bitch, that's just how life is. I experience this bitchiness on a daily basis, not only because I am a bitch but because I go to an all girls school which is pretty much the universe's source of bitches. Lately seems to be more bitchy then normal but you can't blame teenage girls for all the negativity in the world because "energy can neither be create nor destroyed, it is just passed from one form to another" meaning we have to get it from somewhere! The world is so full of negativity that can affect each and every one of us and the sad thing is we're the ones who pass on the negative vibes. WE COULD STOP THIS NEGATIVITY IF WE WANTED!!

 Being the beginning of a new year, people like to set New Years Resolutions and when everyone's putting up Facebook statuses and Tweets about their resolutions it can really inspire people to set their own goals, and all that positive energy should be there to drive other people to reach their goals which is beautiful energy being passed from person to person. Instead, all I saw this year were statuses about how no one will follow through on their aims and how no one ever reaches those goals and it just made me think: Maybe everyone would reach their goals if everyone had a positive attitude towards them. Think of how much more of your goals you would achieve if you had everyone you know and love behind you, motivating you to achieving something that would make you happier in yourself, whether it be loosing weight, getting fit, eating better, whatever. You would be so determined to achieve this goal which would make you happier and also everyone who supported you would be so proud of you! Another thing I saw was everyone moaning about how "just because it's a new year doesn't change anything" and "it's just another day", for God's sake would everyone just shut up?! If someone wants to make a change they can do it whenever they want! The beginning of the week comes every 7 days, the beginning of a month happens around every 31 days, a new year begins ever 365 days which is a lot more then the others, so it is a new start! If it didn't mean anything we wouldn't celebrate the new year, we wouldn't change our calenders and we wouldn't count 365 days until the next year! If people want to start a fresh, what better time then the start of the year? Stop putting other people down just because you wouldn't be able to keep your New Years Resolution for a week!

 As I said, all teenage girls are bitches no matter what! I'm a bitch, your girlfriend is, your sister, your best friend, all of us are bitches and that's just how we are! We thrive on drama and gossip. Some are more obvious then others, I like to be open about my bitchiness and that makes me look mean sometimes but it's the sly bitches you have to watch out for! I don't know why we're like this, is it hormones? Pressure from society that makes us self conscious and we take it out on other people? Or is this how girls have been since the beginning of time? I don't know why, all I know is it affects all of us and like I said already, we can stop it. You don't have to pass on that nasty rumor you heard about that girl in your maths or you don't have to talk behind your friend's back when she does something that annoys you! I will admit that some people take the bitching to a new level altogether but most of us just pass the rumor or make the comment. We don't even realise we're doing it because it comes so naturally to us at this stage! There's a sense of excitement when you hear a bit of gossip that's so juicy you're nearly bursting to tell someone and you can't wait till lunch to tell your friends so you discuss with the girl you have to sit with in Irish, that's how it works. It's like a line of dominos, you tell someone and they tell someone who tells someone and so on until everyone knows but then everyone judges the girl from the rumor and that's not fair. It's like Chinese Whispers, it never comes out the same as it went in, so some poor girl ends up being judged for something she may not have even done or said. The point I'm very slowly trying to make is that if you just didn't spread the rumor the girl won't get hurt. Just because you're not the seed of the rumor doesn't mean you're not part of the flower. It takes a bee to pollinate a flower, it takes a bitch to pass on a rumor.

 My New Years Resolution is to try and spread more positivity among as many people as possible, and I'm going to try and stop passing on the gossip and bitching. And I'll admit that it will be hard but what goes around comes around and life is to short for all this! Just think, if you don't tell your friends that little piece of gossip you heard, it won't affect you but it will affect whoever the gossip was about, in a positive way. You would be the broken link in this chain of pain!

 I have no idea where this post is coming from, I think it's because I'm annoyed right now but instead of bitching, I'm blogging! I also have no idea where it's going but what I think I'm trying to say is that you have the power to change this negative energy and convert it into positive energy, then pass it on to everyone around you! I know not all the negativity in the world is caused by people but there is a lot of it that we can do something about. Lately, I've been getting into a few situations where usually I would just be a complete bitch and possibly gossip and just be horrible but I was the bigger person. I'm in a really bitchy mood right now but I've figured out a full proof plan to getting over that bitchy feeling:
1. Take a second to feel sorry for yourself, cry, scream, do whatever you have to do!
2. Get over it!
3. Listen to some really happy music like Pharrell Williams "Happy" or watch some cute Disney movie, I recommend Tangled, Frozen or Monsters Inc.
4. Now go spread your positivity!!
Think of how much happier the world would be if we just went around singing happy songs and watching Disney?

  This post has kind of turned into a rant, of sorts, but I just feel like people are becoming more and more negative and it has to stop! Anyway, rant over. I hope this inspires you to maybe not be a bitch or to set your goals and not to worry about other people. If people don't support your life choices then be your own motivator! YOU CAN DO IT, I BELIEVE IN YOU! Tweet and Facebook about all your achievements and be proud of them! I have all the links to my social websites on the side of my blog, feel free to contact me about anything at all! Thank you so much for reading, I honestly mean that from the bottom of my heart!

Bitch, out x

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